30 d’abril del 2013

The Moving Toyshop, d'Edmund Crispin

Edmund Crispin. The Moving Toyshop. London: Penguin Books, 1958. ISBN: 0-14-00-1315-6

Gervase Fen, Oxford Professor of English Language and Literature, claims to be "the only literary critic turned detective in the whole of fiction". The genial eccentric could also claim to have placed Edmund Crispin, with Dorothy Sayers and Michael Innes, on the recommended reading list for bishops, judges and cabinet ministers, present and future.

The toyshop in the Iffley Road contains the strangled body of a grey-haired woman when a friend of Fen's enters it one night. The next morning the toyshop has vanished and a busy grocer's store occupies the site. And nobody's surprised.

It's like investigating a crime that hasn't happened. That suits Fen.

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