21 d’agost del 2022

10 Women of Mystery, d'Earl F. Bargainnier

Bargainnier, Earl. F. 10 Women of MysteryBowling Green, Ohio : Bowling Green State University Popular Press, [1981] ISBN: 0879721731 

This volume which examines the special contributions of a number of women mystery writers sheds light on this significant example of common interests in recreational reading among women and men and the reasons behin the early and continuing uncharacteristic near-equality of both sexes in this field of endeavor. 

All the writers examined here exhibit grat skill of characterization, adroitness in creating various kinds of tension, and preference for complexity of plot and character relationships over wild action; at he same time, however, is a group they demostrate a range and variety suggesting the scope of women writers of mystery ficition.


Es recull un petit estudi de deu autores imprescindibles de #gènerenegre. Curiosament, una d'elles, Emma Lathen, no s'ha traduït mai al castellà o català.  

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