2 de febrer del 2022

Fons Històric: The Dime Novel Detective, editat per Gary Hoppenstand (en anglès)

Hoppenstand, Gary (ed.). The Dime Novel DetectiveBowling Green, Ohio : Bowling Green University Popular Press, [1982] ISBN: 0879722134

Dime novels first appeared on the American literary scene in June of 1860. "Detective" was first used in title of a story in March 1870. Countless numbers of detectives were feature in the story papers and the dime novel series which followed. The dime novels monopolized popular literatura for some fifty years and influenced popular literature up to this day.

Critical studies of detective fiction have been published for the past decade but there have been few serious studies of pulp fiction. Part of this has been caused by an innate prejudice againts the cheap, pulp fiction. (...)This book is ant attempt to remedy that lack of material. This volume offers a combination of representative dime novel detective fiction, presented in order of the respective series first publication dates, and bibliographic material, which can assist the future scholar of the dime novels. Stories are reprinted from The New York Detective Library, Old Cap Collier, Old Sleuth Library, Bob Brooks Library, and Secret Service.


Ens trobem amb un estudi bibliogràfic, en anglès, de les novel·les anomenades "de cèntim", de detectius, publicades des de 1870... Per si algú li agrada la idea i vol fer el mateix amb les publicades aquí.🙃🙂

➡️ https://t.co/dmxKUztuar #BiblaBòbila #gènerenegre #recomanació https://t.co/mvjPeymZ6t

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