20 de novembre del 2013

New database on crime fiction by women writers from Spain

[Monash University, 19 november 2013]

A new online database on crime fiction by women writers from Spain was launched at the University of Barcelona’s Centre Dona i Literatura (Women and Literature Centre) on 7 October 2013.
Called MUNCE (Mujeres y Novela Criminal en España 1975-2010/ Women and Crime Fiction in Spain 1975-2010), the database  contains information on individual writers as well as reviews and details of  crime novels written in any of the official languages in Spain - Basque, Castilian (Spanish), Catalan and Galician - by women authors.
To access the database (in Spanish), click here.
The database is the product of an international research project led by Prof. Elena Losada (University of Barcelona) and financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FEM 2011-22870). The project involves a team of scholars, including Stewart King, at the universities of Barcelona, the Basque Country, Birmingham and Monash.
The database is a first, important step in a larger project to examine female figures of authority, victims and criminals in crime novels by women writers from Spain.

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