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11 d’agost del 2024

Difficult Lives / Hitching Rides, de James Sallis (en anglès)


Sallis, James. Difficult Lives - Hitching Rides. No Exit Press, 2018 ISBN: 978-0857302564

Originally published by Gryphon Books in 1993, Difficult Lives was one of the earliest attempts to track the legacy of original paperback writers such as Jim Thompson, David Goodis and Chester Himes. The individual essays on these three first appeared in literary magazines.Difficult Lives visits a rare moment when daylight was showing around the seams of American society and visions quite in contrast to the sanctioned version drifted to the surface in books one bought off racks in drugstores and bus stations - stark, bonelike, disturbing books.
Llibre capiculat: “Vides difícils” sobre Jim Thompson, David Goodis i Chester Himes. A l'altra banda, nou articles sobre altres autors: Derek Raymond, Highsmith, Manchette, Shirley Jackson...(en anglès). 

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