10 de juliol del 2022

The Murder Mystique: Crime Writers on Their Art, ed. Lucy Freeman

Freeman, Lucy (ed.). The Murder Mystique: Crime Writers on Their Art. New York : Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., Inc, [1982]

Some of the bestknown practitioners of the genre are represented, and they write entertainingly and authoritatively about what interest them most in the field.

These experts also lift the curtain, very usefully, on some of their own secrets as writers of mysteries.

Tuit : Ken Follet i Hillary Waugh, entre d'altres, fan un repàs dels seus autors de capçalera de #gènerenegre i, d'alguns dels seus secrets. 

➡️ https://t.co/00SzO9K5DR #BiblaBòbila #recomanació https://t.co/ZynkipVpj 4

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